Master Tech Catering to the more complicated needs of home and business scenarios, The Security Alarms designed to protect small shops, offices, and residential buildings from theft, robbery, fire, and flooding, with instant and visual alarm verification for real assurance.
Alarm systems are also known as burglar alarm systems, security protection systems or intrusion detection systems. All common alarm systems work based on the same technical principle. They use a number of different sensors to detect a break-in into a building or security area. If sensors are used to detect smoke, water or toxic smoke, an alarm system will also alert you of these dangers, for example, by sounding a siren or calling a monitoring station.
Master Tech do install wired and wireless alarm system. There are some applications and differentiate of both systems.
Application areas for wired alarm systems:
- Wired/hybrid alarm systems are suitable for medium to large-scale objects such as commercial buildings, factory floors and offices.
- In the commercial sector, wired alarms are usually the system of choice, as an installation is generally easier and mostly longer distances have to be covered.
- Wired/hybrid alarm systems make sense in the private sector when the building is under construction or is being renovated.
Application areas for wireless alarm systems:
- Wireless alarm systems are suitable for smaller and larger-scale houses or apartments, and for smaller or medium-scale commercial objects.
- Wireless alarm systems are the system of choice for retrofitting and can be quickly and cleanly installed by a security expert.
Advantages of wired/hybrid alarm
• Wireless alarm systems are the system of choice for retrofitting and can be quickly and cleanly installed by a security expert.
Advantages of wireless alarm
• Cost-effective installation • Relatively uncomplicated installation without cable drawing
• Very flexible, can be extended at any time • Easy to take with you if you move
• Additional components can be easily and quickly integrate
We Produly used HIKvision Brand for our Alarms products range with reasonable price.
We feel that our technicians are best part of security business is often unrecognized for its contribution to the profitability & success of a business. We believe in success of our business in the world.